return policy

If you find a defect in the product you received, please contact us via our store's inquiry form within 5 days of receiving the product, and include your name, order ID, and an image of the defective part and the entire product.

*Please note that the shipping fee for returns must be borne by the customer.

We will not accept returns if any of the following apply:

・Different from what you expected ・Wrong size specified in order ・Return of good products due to customer's convenience ・Products that have been delivered more than 6 days ago ・Products that have been used by the customer ・Products that have been soiled or damaged by the customer ・Product tags, accessories, etc. have been soiled, damaged, lost or discarded ・Products that have been soiled by customers trying on etc. ・Products that are subject to other special promotions (lucky bags, etc.)
- Hygienic products such as underwear and socks - Minor marks from the manufacturing process (which can be removed by washing)
- Regarding loose threads (thread ends), if the loose threads on the product do not cause holes when pulled, there is no problem with the product itself. We ask that you cut off the loose threads with scissors before using the product.
If you suspect there is a defect, such as a hole in the product, please contact us using the inquiry form on our store.